1. To promote Taiwan to become the first Asian country to legalize gay marriages
2. To promote gay-friendly corporations in our society
3. To encourage gay people to come out with courage and dignity.
同志人權法案遊說聯盟 成立宣言
1789年法國大革命的人權宣言向世界宣告,人權是自然的、神聖的和 不可讓渡的,也提醒世人必須無時無刻地檢視,所有的立法權、行政權和政治制度的目標,是否侵犯人權。在這一條開啟現代世界的人權道路上,台灣國會 於2013年作出了重大的努力,由在野黨的國會議員提出了院總第1150號「同志人權法案」,想為同志打開現行婚姻制度的大門,將屬於他們的天賦人權還給同志。但,這個法案礙於台灣政治上的藍綠黨派惡鬥,和國會議員多一事不如少一事的心態,被擱置在司法法制委員會。
我們是一群關心同志人權的年輕人,我們願意肩負起捍衛人權的重責,在國會展開人權法案遊說工作,糾舉出為了選票被保守教會綁架的議員, 說服願意理性溝通的議員,讓國會聽見人權的吶喊。台灣在2009年已經簽署聯合國的國際人權兩公約,「公民權利和政治權利國際公約」和「經濟以及社會和文化權利國際公約」,並經國會三讀通過,將⼈人權公約視同國內法。另,總統府人權咨詢會議所邀請的國際人權專家也於正式會議中明文提醒,「政府在修法認可家庭多元性之前先進行民意調查的計畫表示擔心。政府對全體人民的人權有履行義務且不應以公眾之意見做為履行的條件。」(結論性建議第78點)台灣早就準備好了。
人權作為普世的價值與人性的尊嚴,是無可爭辯的。任何的民意調查 不能作為履行的條件,然而台灣一如世界上許多進步的國家,支持同志婚姻者早已超過半數。我們充滿希望,島嶼終將天光。
The lobby alliance for LGBT human rights Declaration
Since the French Revolution in 1789, the Universal Declaration of Human and Civil Rights set forth in a solemn declaration the natural, unalienable, and sacred rights of man. In order to achieve this declaration, all the members of the Social bodies shall be constantly reminded of their rights and duties; in order to implement the acts of the legislative power, as well as those of the executive power, may be compared with the objects and purposes of all political institutions and may thus be more respected. Wanting to open the doors to the Institution of Marriage Rights, the Opposition Members of Taiwan Parliament embarked on the road to the modern world of Human Rights and proposed No. 1150 “Gay Bill of Rights”. The Taiwan Parliament has made major efforts to give the Human Rights back to the gay people since 2013. However, with the on-going political battles between the KMT vs. DPP parties and the passive attitude from the congressmen, this bill has been continuously postponed in the Judiciary and Organic Laws and Statutes Committee
We are a group of young advocators who care about the Rights of LGBT. We will bear this tremendous responsibility and insist on fighting our Human Rights in the Bill of Rights. We will also identify the parliament members whose votes have been blackmailed by the Conservative Church Members. We will rationally communicate with the Parliament members and try to convince them to hear the voice of Human Rights.
In 2009, with the peer review of the Parliament III, Taiwan has signed two United Nations International Covenants on Human Rights: “Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant” and “Economic, Social and Cultural Rights & International Conventions”. The Parliament will now regard Human Rights under the Domestic Law. Moreover, invited by the Presidential Advisory Council on Human Rights, the experts of International Human Rights also pointed out in a formal meeting, “the government shows concerns about the project plans for the family diversity opinion polls which was conducted prior to the law amendment. The government has the obligation to fulfill Human Rights of all the people without any prejudice and bias over any public opinion.” (Concluding recommendations point No. 78) Taiwan has long been ready for this moment.
Human Rights are a true universal value and dignity of human nature without any disputes. Although the opinion polls cannot be fulfilled as an obligation, Taiwan has surpassed many other countries in the world with more than half of Taiwanese population supporting gay marriage. Taiwan is a place that full of hopes and prosperous futures. We truly believe that the historical moment to achieve the Taiwan LGBT Rights will be arrived soon. As long as we gather together with all the workers, citizens, and friends to stand up for our basic Human Rights, we will let Taiwan Parliament to consider this subject seriously and face this crucial step toward the Human Rights in the 21st century, and let the rainbow always be at Taiwan horizon.